Life IS Beautiful image

Life IS Beautiful

$70,556 raised

$125,000 goal


The 2023 Gala of Hope is going to be a celebratory fundraising event with our partners reflecting on all the ways life is beautiful!

Throughout the night of reflection and celebration, guests will hear Bright Hope updates, testimonies from our clients, enjoy a delicious meal, and hear a powerful presentation from our keynote speaker and comedian Mike Williams.

Guests will have an opportunity to participate in a matching grant that will help us meet our $125,000 fundraising goal!

Meeting this goal, will allow Bright Hope to pay off our mortgage at Divine Resale, which will make Bright Hope completely debt free! In addition, funds raised will help us increase our marketing efforts to reach more abortion minded clients and ensure that Bright Hope is in a position to be even more effective in serving moms and dads facing an unexpected pregnancy and saving the lives of the unborn.

Thank you for your partnership in saving, restoring, and transforming lives!